Why Buy Jewelry?

Why Buy Jewelry?

The fact is, nobody needs jewelry. Sorry! I have to be honest.

But do we really want to have no wedding rings, no medals of honor, no royal diadems?

Jewelry is a tether to meaning, history, and status. Those glittering chains, no matter how fine, tie us to our Story in a beautiful way. The king has his crown, his royal signet ring, and his medallions. The soldier has his medals and his insignia pins. The married mom has her wedding and engagement rings and her necklace with a charm for each child. The father has a bracelet with his children's initials. The children at camp exchange friendship bracelets to remember each other.

Meaning, history, status. But also self worth! When we see ourselves in the mirror wearing jewelry, we feel more beautiful and special. "Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels. We will make you earrings of gold, studded with silver." Jewelry draws attention to the parts of ourselves we love most, and make us love ourselves more.

How does your favorite jewelry make you feel? Let me know in the comments...



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