There Must Be Something I Don't Know

There Must Be Something I Don't Know

Last year I was trying to help my husband with a real estate walkthrough by taking pictures and notes. (Ah yes, I am also a real estate agent, and my husband is a broker with decades of experience, so do let me know if you need help with any real estate in or near Austin!)

When we got back home I realized that I had all these photos in a note on my phone, but the note was too large to email or do anything with! It took me hours using Google drive to put the photos onto the cloud so I could use them on my computer. It was driving me absolutely bonkers and I was super stressed out!

I continued to be clueless about photo transport up until recently. There was no excuse for this since I'm a pretty techie person who has actually studied computer science at UT! However, I was still extremely relieved to learn about a week ago that I could have simply used iCloud to download those photos.

This is a general principle my mom used to try to teach me: If something seems impossibly and unreasonably difficult, it's usually because there's something we don't know that would make it a lot easier.

Let's try to use this in our creative work: Instead of re-inventing the wheel, sometimes we need to take step back and ask ourselves why a process is so darn inefficient.

Blessings on your craft table, easel, and sewing machine!


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