The Wondrous Human Being

The Wondrous Human Being

I was talking with a friend the other day about how amazed we feel about human achievement sometimes. Not just architecture, but the creation of microcosms such as miniature houses, the ability to cure so many diseases, the heroism of the rescuer to the vulnerable, and even the ability to create copies of ourselves. These powers point my friend and it to a higher power who created us to be somewhat like gods, though with fallibilities, sorrows, and confusion instead of universal consciousness.

It's also amazing to be inspired by nature: I believe nature was created in its peaceful, beautiful form not only to make us think of our place in the universe, but also to heal our souls when we become overwhelmed with the darkness of our own hearts or that which we see in the world close to us. Much art is inspired by nature and all the materials we use come from nature in some way. As I look over the board of earrings near me that I've made over time, I see stones, metals, glass, shapes of leaves, flowers, & vegetables, shells, pearls, coral, and leather. All these materials are gifts that I've tried to turn to good use by making beautiful & useful things of them.

Magnetic boards with earrings on cards

Look at these earrings with leaves and flowers:

Earrings with leaves and flowers


Look at these boulder opal earrings carved into the shapes of flowers! Like they say, nothing in art is ever completely what it seems, and there are frequently many layers of imitation.

Boulder opal beads carved into the shapes of flowers earrings


These stones are quartz, which is what sand is made of. I think the quartz has been dyed and then probably clear coated to give it that color. These were fun to make and are so unique.

Modern quartz dangle earrings with beads and wire


These earrings have quartz that's been coated in some iridescent metal, freshwater pearls, and turquoise. So many treasures of the earth we can use to make thing!

Modern quartz and turquoise earrings 


Check out these treasures of the sea! Coral is difficult to find and should be used responsibly. I like the way these tiny coral chips are graded by size to give them a more symmetrical geometry.

Pearl and coral front-facing hoops


Amethyst is one of the few purple stones we can find on earth. These earrings are special: The triangle with the dangles detaches, allowing you to wear them either with long dangles or with only on small amethyst bead as a decoration.

Amethyst dangle in the shape of chimes


I love the feel of this still life collage by my friend & business partner Elizabeth Hendley. She used printmaking and acrylic to create this cheery, beautiful addition to anyone's wall! Bring the loveliness of nature home! It's called "Busy Blooms."

Busy Blooms by Elizabeth Hendley


Look at this cool toned piece by Elizabeth called "Cozy Cactus": printmaking and acrylics were applied to wood to create this peaceful scene.

Cozy Cactus by Elizabeth Hendley

Nature, its influence on us, and how that fits us into this gorgeous universe. I like to think about things like this to remember my position in the cosmos and try to fit in even better and more harmoniously. I love writing about it too, because that helps me remember it better and helps me express my feelings about it, mainly wonder. I feel wonder when I think of how these glints of light on jewels are merely a simulacrum of the real jewels we see hung in the sky. Every time I see the Hubble deep field, I'm in awe of how many stars and galaxies must truly exist out there. Now there's an even better space telescope so we can gasp at the Webb deep field.

We terrans swim and a thin, inky sea of diamonds, rubies, topaz, and sapphires to hot to ever touch.

I hope you and yours have a blessed day. Come see us sometime. <3



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