Spray Painting Tips

I've been using a lot of spray paint recently to fix up the studio and I just want to share some of what I've learned so you can all benefit from my mistakes.

  • Wear a mask--you really don't want to breathe this stuff
  • Keep moving--never let the paint can be still for ANY length of time. That causes glops and drips.
  • Stay the right distance--Holding the can too far away from the surface makes it kind of disspate and the surface won't be as smooth, but holding the can too close causes rapid buildup that is diffcult to dry.
  • Do not try to create an opaque coat on the first pass--spray paint works best when built up in layers, so start by making a light coat over all, but there will be gaps. Then keep it up until it's as opaque as it needs to be, which could be 5 coats or more. Follow the instructions on the paint can about how long to wait between coats.
  • Sanding--Consider using sandpaper lightly over the whole surface followed by wiping the dust off if the paint gets too gloppy, rough, or imperfect

That's about it! Let me know how I did here and what are you thoughts on best spray paint practices in the comments!


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