Our First Official Class!

Our First Official Class!

We've recently hosted our first official class here in the studio! Elizabeth taught and I assisted.

In this class we learned a special way to turn a small bezel pendant into a tiny wearable mosaic! We all had a marvelous time, and many beautiful pendants were made!

Our classes provide all needed materials and tools, you all you bring is yourself (and some friends if you'd like) and we'll guide you through the learning process. Most classes also include refreshments, plus you have the luxury of shopping in our exclusive boutique during breaks.

You can also book a private party where you get to invite only your friends to a class you set up. This is a super fun way to have a unique creative experience with your friends and make some beautiful items and lovely memories. For more information email us at info@themellowmakeryatx.com.

Enjoy these photos from our class and let us know if you don't see a skill on the website that you've been thinking about learning or want to sign up for a class!










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