How to Unleash Your Creativity

How to Unleash Your Creativity

I've heard a lot of people say they aren't creative or don't know how to make things.

I think they misunderstand how creativity happens. It's a lot of messing around and making mistakes before ever making anything good. In fact, even famous artists go through many failed attempts, perhaps even in the 30s, before achieving the exact effect they want.

So a lot of "creativity" ability is simply perspiration.

But what about getting ideas? What leads us there?

When ideas aren't flowing, a lot of times it's because our mind is filled with things we need to talk about. If we don't get to vent our feelings, sometimes those unspoken words get kind of "clogged" and keep your good ideas inside.

The solution is really boring unfortunately. Remember when your English teacher told you that to get good at writing, you should journal regularly? Well, that is really how to unlock your creativity! It really works! 

I know this because once I started journaling to get out a lot of serious feelings I was having about a death in my family and some other situations that had hurt and confused me, and after journaling for at least a year, I suddenly started writing a short story which over the next six weeks turned into a novel!

Try it! Write down your thougts and feelings. You don't have to show them to anyone, and it will do you good.

Any more ideas on creativity? Let me know in the comments!


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