How to Make Necklaces You'll Love Part 7

How to Make Necklaces You'll Love Part 7

One consideration when creating any type of jewelry is style vs fashion.

Fashion is what's currently popular. It's important for the same reason that not very many farthingales are selling right now, whereas stretch pants can cost a thousand dollars or more. It's the reason why bell bottoms seem to just never completely go away or be extremely appropriate either.

Style is more the feel and attitude of your look. Cowboy is a style, not fashion. Sporty is a style. Artsy is a style. Sloppy is a style. Persnickety is a style. Bohemian, Italian, elderly, and Harajuku are all styles.

So how does this affect your jewelry making? You should always create things that appeal to you, so most likely your jewelry will be your own style. But you actually can sometimes ignore what the fashion is in the following ways:

Focus on creating something different and new, not on usability: This is wearable art, which doesn't ever conform to fashion much. You can find books and videos about various types of wearable art made of felt, beads, fabric, metals, polymer clay, and so on that is pretty impractical but still true art and actually important to artistic movements.

Make something retro: Fashion is always "Exactly the same as before, but completely different" (I think Isaac Mizrahi said this). So you can always make a revival piece that is your version of an older trend.

Make something timeless & classic: This is what I like to try to do. By making jewelry that is not too trendy, but still is wearable and looks good with a lot of clothing, and also enhances the appearance of the wearer, you can make gorgeous things that many people will love!

Talk you to next time!


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