How to Make Necklaces You'll Love Part 11

How to Make Necklaces You'll Love Part 11

Let's discuss types of cord you can use to make your necklaces:

Rattail: This is low-cost satin cord about 3 mm thick which could be used in large-holed beads. I use it as a base for my beadwork cords. I use peyote stitch to create a flexible tube around the rattail and then use cord ends to make that into a necklace or the cord for a pendant or center design.


Above are Delica satin seed beads in an ombre around a piece of white rattail cord.


Flexible wire: One of the most common materials used to make necklaces is the type of flexible wire you find in craft stores and other places. It's fairly affordable, has many applications, and is easy to use with crimp beads, french wire, and many other findings. The more expensive the wire is, the less likely it is to become kinked by force (usually.) It also now comes in many metal colors. When I first started using it, the only colors available were steel or black. 


On the above necklace you can see I used a "wire guardian" finding to keep the wire cord loop from becoming bent or frayed. It is in between a jump ring and the crimp cover.


Hemp: A fuzzy, low-cost, and natural-looking cord, this might actually be made of linen. If you want an affordable, rustic look, it's worth a try. Comes in many colors, too. Normally with fiber cords, knots are used instead of crimps.


Waxed cotton: Another low-cost cord, this can also be used for macrame or stringing.


"Chinese" polyester cord: This is fine cord which comes in many colors and can be used for macrame or stringing.


Leather: I love using leather in my jewelry because it makes the whole piece seem more bohemian and comfortable. There are so many types of leather cord I can't talk about them all, but just be sure the cord you want to use goes through the beads you want to put on it.



Ribbon: This is an unusual, whimiscal choice but it can work with beads that aren't too heavy or scratchy. I used one on my mermaid necklace.


Premade cords: You might not think these are an artistic choice but the fact is many artists would rather focus on making pendants and beads than making many identical cords. Here's a photo of some necklaces I've made with purchased cords:


We're almost done with our Necklaces You'll Love series! Blessings!



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