How to Make Money on Your Art

How to Make Money on Your Art

So you've decided your art might be worth something. Bravo!

For ages, people used to tell me that I should sell the jewelry I was making. I figured they were just being nice, and also at that time I wasn't making enough jewelry to be worth marketing. I also saw so much jewelry for sale, I didn't see how mine could sell too. One time I was discussing this with someone and they said, "Yeah, but you could make GOOD jewelry." And I said it back slowly, "I could... make... good jewlery?" 

This blew my mind so much that I had to try it. First I had to make a bunch of things and start posting pictures of them on the internet. This is how you should start as well. This is called "putting yourself out there," and it takes some courage, but if anyone out there knows of a way to make money on art that doesn't involve self-promotion from day one, I would love to hear it.

If you keep posting pictures of your work online and start looking for shows or markets you can exhibit at, you are on your way. Look for craft shows, farmer's markets, chamber of commerce events, and other forums to start talking to people about what you do. 

From there, you can try starting an Etsy or Shopify store. Etsy has changed a lot recently, so you could also try some of the other craft-selling online options such as Michael's craft store Maker Place or the Amazon Handmade option. 

The main idea here is not to be afraid you will never sell anything. The fact is, once a friend or family member buys something from you, that is a great feeling and it can propel you into a real business!

Let me know of more cool marketing ideas in the comments!


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