How to Get Started in a New Type of Craft

How to Get Started in a New Type of Craft

If you want to start some new hobby or technique there are three ways to do it:

  1. Buy a kit.
  2. Take a class.
  3. Learn on your own from books or videos.

Personally I perfer option 1. because it's economical and I usually don't have to think a lot about what to make, I can just quickly learn the technique.

Taking an in-person class is much more personal and allows you to ask questions. Online classes are also good, but for more difficult skills or when working with risky equipment, I certainly prefer the in-person classes.

Learning on your own from books, websites, or videos is probably the cheapest and also most time-intensive method. Not only do you have to look at the content and understand it, you also have to go buy all your materials and tools and make sure your workspace is adequate. 

All these methods should work if you stick to it. If you're interested in the classes we have here at The Mellow Makery ATX, why not drop into our Learn page and see what we have?



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